Laughter Fills the Void by Hariti

Vrinda Bachchan   •   11 Jul, 2023   •   5 mins

A tale of laughter, love and one's connection with the elderly.

9-year-old Hariti pens down her thoughts and feelings beautifully in her book, ‘Laughter Fills the Void’. It’s a sweet 10-minute read for most adults and, at the most, a half-an-hour read for most kids. The book leaves the reader with a simple yet profound message - love, laughter, and friendship can fill any void.

This short read will take you back to your childhood and make you think of the older person you looked up to and connected with the most as a kid. It could be a grandparent for most of us, an elderly neighbour, or even a kind old stranger we chatted with during a train or bus journey.

As depicted in this book with surprising clarity, the friendship between a child and an elderly person can be really special and enriching.

Children love with all their hearts, and all elderly people are looking for is some care and attention to brighten their lives. Most elderly persons have adult kids who are busy balancing their work and home lives, but young children like the author of this book have the time to devote to a friend (no matter what age).

Photo by Anuradha Sengupta / CC BY 2.0.

In return, young kids get to learn from the endless anecdotes and stories of their elderly friends. In today’s age of nuclear families, many kids grow up distant from their grandparents (dada/ dadi) and terribly miss having the comforting presence of an affectionate elder. It’s commendable that Hariti has noticed this commonality in our society at such a young age.

Another thing that must be appreciated is Hariti’s hold on the English language and her ability to express herself with so much clarity. Hariti, at just age 9, displays a kind and layered disposition and also a keen sense of observation through her storytelling.

We recommend this book for a light nighttime reading session, especially if you’re a parent with young kids. Primary school readers will benefit from this book, especially if they’re looking to expand their English vocabulary.

We give Hariti's 'Laughter Fills the Void' 3 hoots out of 5.

